Nature's Fireworks

Omarr Wesley Illustrator

Nearest to the Sun

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Old, Older, Oldest

Brian Jensen Illustrator

Our Home Planet

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Out and About at the Greenhouse

Zachary Le Trover Illustrator

Out and About at the Science...

Becky Shipe Illustrator

Plant Packages

Charlene Delage Illustrator

Plant Plumbing

Charlene Delage Illustrator

Pointy, Long, or Round

Todd Irving Ouren Illustrator

Pull, Lift, and Lower

Denise Shea Illustrator

Raindrops Fall All Around

Laura Watson Illustrator

Red Eyes or Blue Feathers

Todd Irving Ouren Illustrator

Ringed Giant

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Rising Waters

Denise Shea Illustrator


Matthew John Illustrator

Roll, Slope, and Slide

Denise Shea Illustrator

Rumble, Boom!

Denise Shea Illustrator

Sand, Leaf, or Coral Reef

Todd Irving Ouren Illustrator

Scoop, Seesaw, and Raise

Denise Shea Illustrator

Seeing Red

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Shapes in the Sky

Omarr Wesley Illustrator


Denise Shea Illustrator

Soft and Smooth, Rough and Bumpy

Rick Charles Peterson Illustrator


Matthew John Illustrator

Space Leftovers

Denise Shea Illustrator

Splish! Splash!

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Stegosaurus Would NOT Make a...

Steph Calvert Illustrator

Strange Dances and Long Flights

Todd Irving Ouren Illustrator

Stripes, Spots, or Diamonds

Todd Irving Ouren Illustrator


Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Sunshine Brightens Springtime

Laura Watson Illustrator

Swing, Slither, or Swim

Todd Irving Ouren Illustrator

Temperate Deciduous Forests

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator


Sheree Boyd Illustrator

The Largest Planet

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

The Sideways Planet

Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator

Tires, Spokes, and Sprockets

Denise Shea Illustrator

T-Rex Would NOT Make a Good...

Steph Calvert Illustrator

Triceratops Would NOT Make a...

Steph Calvert Illustrator


Denise Shea Illustrator


Matthew John Illustrator


Jeffrey Joseph Yesh Illustrator


Denise Shea Illustrator

Who Grows Up in the Desert?

Who Grows Up Here? (Series)

Melissa Carpenter Illustrator

Who Grows Up in the Forest?

Who Grows Up Here? (Series)

Melissa Carpenter Illustrator

Who Grows Up in the Ocean?

Who Grows Up Here? (Series)

Melissa Carpenter Illustrator

Who Grows Up in the Rain Forest?

Who Grows Up Here? (Series)

Melissa Carpenter Illustrator

Who Grows Up in the Snow?

Who Grows Up Here? (Series)

Melissa Carpenter Illustrator

Who Grows Up on the Farm?

Who Grows Up Here? (Series)

Melissa Carpenter Illustrator


Rick Charles Peterson Illustrator