Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears

Fairy Tale Anthology (Series)

Tanith Lee Contributor
Neil Gaiman Contributor

The Green Man

Mythic Anthologies (Series)

Ellen Datlow Editor
Terri Windling Editor

Silver Birch, Blood Moon

Fairy Tale Anthology (Series)

Tanith Lee Contributor
Neil Gaiman Contributor

Off Limits

Ellen Datlow Editor
Samuel R. Delany Contributor

Sirens and Other Daemon Lovers

Wendy Froud Contributor
Tanith Lee Contributor

Snow White, Blood Red

Fairy Tale Anthologies (Series)

Ellen Datlow Editor
Terri Windling Editor

Black Heart, Ivory Bones

Fairy Tale Anthology (Series)

Ellen Datlow Editor
Terri Windling Editor

The Faery Reel

Mythic Anthologies (Series)

Ellen Datlow Editor
Terri Windling Editor

Live! From Planet Earth

George Alec Effinger Author
Neil Gaiman Author of introduction, etc.

The Man in the Maze

Robert Silverberg Author
Neil Gaiman Author of introduction, etc.

Don't Panic

Neil Gaiman Author
David K. Dickson Contributor