300 Quotes from Idealistic...

Immanuel Kant Artist
Plato Artist

2000 citations ultimes

Collection Les meilleures citations (Series)

Jane Austen Artist
William Shakespeare Artist

3500 citations ultimes

Collection Les meilleures citations (Series)

Jane Austen Artist
Platon Artist

300 citations de philosophes...

Collection Les meilleures citations (Series)

Platon Artist
Immanuel Kant Artist

Kant's Foundations of Ethics

Immanuel Kant Artist
Immanuel Kant Author

Kant's Foundations of Ethics

Immanuel Kant Author

Critique of Pure Reason

Immanuel Kant Author
John Miller Dow Meiklejohn Translator

900 citations de la...

Collection Les meilleures citations (Series)

Voltaire Artist
Montesquieu Artist