Agreement, Gender, Relative...

Topics in English Linguistics [TiEL] (Series)

Bernd Kortmann Author
Tanja Herrmann Author

Dialectology meets Typology

Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] (Series)

Bernd Kortmann Editor

Linguistic Complexity

linguae & litterae (Series)

Bernd Kortmann Editor
Benedikt Szmrecsanyi Editor

The British Isles

Bernd Kortmann Editor
Clive Upton Editor

The Languages and Linguistics...

The World of Linguistics [WOL] (Series)

Bernd Kortmann Editor
Johan van der Auwera Editor

The Pacific and Australasia

Kate Burridge Editor
Bernd Kortmann Editor

A Handbook of Varieties of...

Bernd Kortmann Editor
Edgar W. Schneider Editor