Maldiciones y mitos

Rick Riordan Author
Ignacio Gómez Calvo Translator

Binding 13

Boys of Tommen (Series)

Chloe Walsh Author
Lorena Castell García Translator

La casa de Hades

The Heroes of Olympus (Series)

Rick Riordan Author
Ignacio Gómez Calvo Translator

Keeping 13

Boys of Tommen (Series)

Chloe Walsh Author
Lorena Castell García Translator

Ella, yo y la gran idea de...

Valientes (Series)

Cherry Chic Author
Olivia Vives Narrator

Él, yo y la gran idea de...

Valientes (Series)

Cherry Chic Author
Olivia Vives Narrator


Dunas (Series)

Cherry Chic Author
Sergio Olmo Martínez Narrator

Todas mis dudas

Dunas (Series)

Cherry Chic Author
Raúl Rodríguez Narrator